Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals

Monday, 22 February 2010

Joint Buying!!!!!

22 February 2010 | Jake Kanter

More than 100 companies in central London are to join forces in a shared procurement plan. It follows a pilot scheme which saved the firms more than £1 million last year.

It is thought there is huge potential for further cost reductions. The programme will cover goods and services including telecoms, couriers, stationery and water filters.

In addition, the companies hope to cut carbon emissions by 10 per cent by sharing deliveries and negotiating better energy deals. 

Participants include office-based businesses, such as law firms. A number of multinationals with locations in the area – including Warner Bros and MediaCom - are also involved.

The project is organised by not-for-profit business improvement organisation inholborn. Chief executive Tass Mavrogordato said it has “massive potential” and there are plans to increase the list of goods and services the companies purchase together.

“It makes sense on a number of levels,” she told SM. “Obviously on cost, but also on the green agenda – with services such as couriers because it gets congested around here. It’s also about a business community - people getting together to do something.”

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